vendredi 9 août 2013

C Programming and C++ Programming

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    Learn C and C++

C is a powerful system programming language, 
and C++ is an excellent general purpose programming language with modern bells and whistles.

  • Intro to C
  • If statements
  • Loops in C
  • Functions and Program Organization
  • Switch case
  • Intro to C++
  • If statements
  • Loops in C++
  • Functions in C++
  • Switch case
  • Part 1: Introduction to technologies and drawing the game board
  • Part 2: Creating a real, playable game
  • Part 3: Adding difficulty levels and other menu options
  • Part 4: Changing the game board size and the block count
  • Part 5: Adding undo/redo functionality and keyboard accelerators
  • Intro to OpenGL
  • OpenGL vs DirectX
  • OpenGL and Windows
  • The WinMain procedure
  • Windows Programming
  • Intro to WGL, the Windows Graphics Layer
  • Your first OpenGL Program
  • Projections in OpenGL
  • Stack Data Structure
  • The Queue Data Structure
  • Heaps
  • Hash Tables
  • Graphs in computer science
  • Two-three trees

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